ecoPayz account verification in 2 hours

  • register an account following the link;
  • send the application to join our loyalty program;
  • pass the verification in 2 hours.


The account verification process at any payment system shocks many casino players – it is long and complicated.

But not for ecoPayz payment system users who have joined our loyalty program!​

With us you:

  • pass the full verification process in 2 hours;
  • don’t have to send a “selfie with a passport” or other documents for account ownership confirmation;
  • pass the verification without entry deposit;
  • get full and permanent support with the verification process and any other kind of assistance.

Оur experts help you to sort through all the nuances of account use through the online chat on the website.

For the identity verification, you need to prepare a scanned copy or photo of any of the following documents (to choose from):

  • passport – only the page with the your photo and personal information;
  • foreign passport – the first two pages;
  • driving license (both sides);
  • ID card (both sides).

To pass the address verification, send any of the following documents (to choose from):

  • your utility bill (provided that your name and address are the same as registered in  your account);
  • your bank account/bank card statement (with your name/surname and current address);
  • any other document identifying your address and issued by a state, financial or  banking institution (stamped and signed by the institution which issued it).
Send the letter using your e-mail address which you registered in the system while opening your account. You will be notified by e-mail about your documents status. 

What are the requirements for the necessary documents?

If they do not meet the below requirements you can not pass the verification and get all the benefits of using an ecoPayz account.  

  • screenshots (or such images) are not accepted. It will be only the photo, scan or copy of your documents (colored);
  • they must be of high quality; the text should be easy to identify;
  • the documents’ corners must be visible; the cutted and overexposed ones are not reviewed for verification;
  • each copy should be up to 1 MB in size;
  • the document should be not older than 3 month from the date of its sending for verification.

Where to send the documents for fast verification?

You should send the letter (with documents’ copies attached) to the ecoPayz payment system’s e-mail – Subject – ecoPayz docs.

Just after full verification your account status will be upgraded (for good) to Gold. You can also get the available maximum status VIP status after €10,000 deposits to the casino.

November 2024
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